Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 9: #21 Podcasts

I've heard about podcasts more and more lately, but admit that I haven't made any use of them myself. That is, until now...

The assignment was for us to find a "library related podcast" and add it to our Bloglines account. The first thing I thought was "Uh-oh, what was my log-in and password for Bloglines?!" I hadn't used it since that exercise in week 4, but luckily I got in on the first try. I searched and searched for something semi-interesting. I would occasionally run into things that required a fee for downloading the podcast. Oops! That's not what I wanted. I eventually found a library related podcast on Yahoo, which I added to Bloglines. It's called Digital Campus: A biweekly discussion of how digital media and technology are affecting teaching, learning, and scholarship at colleges, universities, libraries, and museums. It's relevant to this exercise and seems like something I will listen to occasionally. I especially like how I can listen to it directly at Bloglines without needing to download software.

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