Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 10: #23 The end is the beginning!

Can it actually be true? I've survived the 10 weeks and all of the 23 things! I am so happy and proud of myself!!! It's been such an eventful journey. I've learned so much and have really enjoyed reading the other participants' blogs.

Flickr is probably my favorite thing. Shortly after learning about Flickr, I told a customer about it who wanted to share photos with a friend in another country. That felt so great! I also enjoyed the photo editing tools and image generators.

All of the other things have given me insight and showed me things I didn't know how to use before. Some of them I probably won't use again, but it certainly doesn't hurt to know about them. My eyes have been opened to blogs and RSS feeds. It's great to know about services like Library Thing, Library Elf,, and online web applications. I'm more familiar with how wikis work, and I understand why social networking is all the rave.

This training will definitely help me on the job and at home. It has given me confidence to answer customers' questions, but more than that, I am no longer a stranger to the new technology. Rather than shy away from something unfamiliar, I am now more likely to jump in and try it because, heck, I might learn something!

Thanks to everyone who made this possible. The staff videos were great and very entertaining. I also commend those who sat down to read all of our blogs each week and for sending the bling to keep us motivated. Now I think I will reward myself with a week-long trip to Walt Disney World! Oh wait, that's been planned for several months. But nonetheless, I will celebrate being finished with this program and enjoy myself at the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH! Look out, Mickey, here we come!!!

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