Saturday, November 10, 2007

Week 8: #19 Web-based Apps

Another online account? Why, I ask, WHY??? Okay, I created a Zoho Writer account for the sake of this exercise, but I probably won't use it again anytime soon. I like that Zoho offers many of the same features of Word, so I didn't have any trouble trying it out. It's a very versatile tool designed to be used with other web based applications, like blogs and wikis. It's easy to see the advantages of having an online word processor that allows portability of your documents without having to carry a floppy disc or a USB drive. So my initial skeptisim has turned to optimism. Zoho and other web-based applications are obviously around because they meet a need. I just wasn't aware of them before. Yippee! I've learned yet another piece of useful info!

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